White House Author

Elizabeth Gross Cohn
Dr. Elizabeth Gross Cohn is an Associate Professor of Nursing and Public Health, and the Director of the Center for Health Innovation at Adelphi University. Using a community-engaged approach, the Center addresses urgent and emergent issues of health and health equity within New York State. Elizabeth also serves as the Associate Director of the Community Engagement Core of the Irving Institute for Clinical and Translational Research at Columbia University Medical Center. Her research focuses on the ethical and social issues at the intersection of precision medicine and health disparities. Her model for lab to living room translation promotes interactions between scientists and the communities they serve. Through this work she has developed an interactive graphic novel, a community education program on precision medicine, and a decision tool for community faith-leaders who are advising congregants on research participation. She is part of the leadership of the Communities of Harlem Health Revival, a member of the New York State Health Equity Council, a Fellow in the New York Academy of Medicine, and she mentors investigators in community-based and community-engaged research. e.